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750 tons of C02 potentially eliminated per year.”

VivaDrive | automotive

“The PZU iFlota fleet system required us to use a solution that would maintain the highest security standards while offering us flexibility and scalability. OVHcloud provided a service that met our expectations, including being located in the European Union in the form of a dedicated private cloud from French company OVHcloud. The Hosted Private Cloud solution provided us with a physical machine with exclusivity for our project, with no sharing of resources during use. In addition, it guarantees the PCI DSS security level, that is, additionally, this machine is located in a special, isolated part of the building. Similar solutions are used by companies in the financial sector.”

Radek Czajka, CTO w VivaDrive..



OVHcloud enabled VivaDrive to seamlessly host all of the company’s projects as needed – on OVHcloud’s public cloud or, in the case of the PZU iFlota project, on the private infrastructure that was required for the program. Typically, cloud solutions are highly structured, which, in projects that require more stringent data protection requirements, is quite a constraint for companies. Therefore, OVHcloud with its flexible, tailor-made approach was the ideal solution. OVHcloud’s servers located in Western European countries are an important aspect for VivaDrive, which plans to expand its services in the region, possibly with the help of OVHcloud.


One of the most important advantages of cooperation for VivaDrive is OVHcloud’s partnership approach. The company guarantees flexible solutions and tailors many aspects to specific customer needs. VivaDrive also stresses that it can always count on support and advice of the highest level, which it could not expect from other large providers. It is also important for VivaDrive to be able to participate in the Advanced Partnership Program, where both parties discuss joint projects. In addition, VivaDrive greatly appreciates the support from OVHcloud’s technical specialists.

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